Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Disappointed- No WonderCon for me.

I am unable to volunteer at WonderCon this year. I am so sad. I can't afford to pay for myself and my kids to travel back and forth to San Francisco, plus pay for food and items the kids would want from WonderCon. It sucks, but I know I can always volunteer next year.
  I volunteered last year for the first time and I loved it. I was hoping to start volunteering every year. When my kids get old enough, they can volunteer as well. I had so much fun and enjoyed the crazy costumes. I didn't take very many photos last year. I don't even know where I put those pictures. I got a cool shirt for volunteering and I wear it all the time. Next year I will be there for sure.


1 comment:

Virgtastic said...

Very cool! Didn't know you were into that stuff. Is it somewhat like ComiCon in SD?